"Girlfriends of the Court"

64 (and more) Australian legal tweeters

In blogs, law, law students, legal education, Procrastination, twitter on August 14, 2011 at 9:30 pm

Staying connected

I have been on the lookout for a list of people using twitter to share news and views on Australian law (or in twitter terms #auslaw), mainly for the benefit of law (and legal studies) students who ask me for recommendations. You can follow people’s own curated ‘twitter lists’ that collate tweeters on different topics, but you need to know who to start following in order to make best use of lists. And perhaps this list may prompt some of our non-tweeting colleagues to start up the habit.

So below is my attempt at (an incomplete) listing those twegals who like to tweet (the little bios are the tweeters’ own). I would welcome any other suggestions, and if I have left you off inadvertently, or you don’t want to be here, please let me know.

Law Academics

  1. @alasnich: Professorial Fellow,Law Faculty Melbourne Uni, former judge, chair, Children’s Rights International, board member, Lasallian Foundation.
  2. @AndrewLynchUNSW: Director, Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, UNSW http://www.gtcentre.unsw.edu.au/
  3. @Anne_Matthew: Corporate lawyer and legal academic with a passion for seriously good coffee
  4. @AnnMareeDavid:Director of Practical Legal Training at the College of Law Queensland. Passionate about legal education and professional training. Views are my own. http://www.collaw.edu.au
  5. @Azdastyari: refugee lawyer, academic, podcast tragic.
  6. @BgNaylor: Dr Bronwyn Naylor teaches law.
  7. @bmcsherr: Law professor, Director, Centre for the Advancement of Law and Mental Health http://law.monash.edu.au/calmh
  8. @CathBx: Law teacher, occasional accountant, dog lover and strangely obsessive crafter.
  9. @crimlawnsw: This is a listing of developments relevant to NSW criminal law, with an emphasis on issues relevant to crim law courses at UNSW. Maintained by Alex Steel. http://www.law.unsw.edu.au/staff/SteelA/
  10. @DanGhez:  Daniel Ghezelbash. Food & refugee lover; lawyer & academic; @SydneyLawSchool & @Harvard_Law. Sydney
  11. @DAWJoyce:  Media, Law, Advocacy, Ideas and Frivolity. Sydney
  12. @Donald_K_Anton: International lawyer teaching at the Australian National University College of Law http://theantonweeklydigestofinternationallaw.com/
  13. @DrPaulaGerber:  Associate Professor, Monash Law School, Deputy Director of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law. Teach children’s rights, minority rights and construction law Melbourne · http://www.law.monash.edu.au/staff/pgerber/research.html
  14. @DrRimmer: ARC Future Fellow on IP and Climate Change, Associate Professor, ACIPA, ANU College of Law. Copyright, Patents, Trade Marks, IT and media law, clean tech, TK. http://works.bepress.com/matthew_rimmer/
  15. @DuffyJM: Sports nut, Law academic, Bass player, Marathon runner, Hamburger and cookie connoisseur
  16. @Elenstax: Taxation Law 200187 & AC808A Tax Planning now have a twitter page. Latest updates, interesting tax news and thoughts on teaching and learning tax. UWS School of Law
  17. @EllyfromOz: Mother, law lecturer, PhD candidate, mad runner, tired. I miss cricket, I follow Aus politics; thesis is on taxation of charities. My views are all mine! http://ellyfromoz.blogspot.com/
  18. @Fergal_Davis: Fergal Davis is a Senior Lecturer on the ARC Laureate Fellowship: Anti-Terror Laws & the Democratic Challenge Project at UNSW. He previously lectured in the UK. Sydney, Australia · http://www.law.unsw.edu.au/profile/fergal-davis
  19. Gabrielle_J_A: Gabrielle Appleby is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Adelaide Law School. Her interests are anything public law. Adelaide · http://blogs.adelaide.edu.au/public-law-rc/
  20. @GregWeeksUNSW: Legal academic at UNSW, teaching administrative law. Member of the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law http://www.law.unsw.edu.au/staff/WeeksG
  21. @GraemeInnes:  Human rights activist; love family, sailing and cricket. Sydney, Australia · http://www.humanrights.gov.au
  22. @_jamesfarrell: Lawyer and academic, interested in poverty law and social justice. Tweets are mine; retweets don’t imply support, just interest.
  23. @JudithMcN: Judith McNamara
  24. @KenParish1: Lawyer and legal academic at Charles Darwin University. Tweeting about law, teaching,politics and whimsy. See also @CDULawSchool
  25. @kategallow: Legal academic, Cairns | Property law; women; justice; learning/teaching in higher ed; the tropics | Rower. Cairns, Australia · http://katgallow.blogspot.com/
  26. @Kim_Weatherall: Australian law academic, ip ninja
  27. @Kristenmoore2: mother, music fan, criminologist, writer http://www.moorewordsandpics.wordpress.com
  28. @KateHumanRights: Kate Eastman SC Barrister and teacher interested in human rights advocacy and effective human rights laws for all. I was @humanrights2011 during 2011 Sydney · http://www.kateeastman.com
  29. @HyamsRoss: Senior Law Lecturer and Convenor of Legal Practice Programs, Monash University, Faculty of Law; clinical legal education, non-adversarial justice Melbourne · http://www.law.monash.edu.au/staff/rhyams.html
  30. @LegalEagle777: Lawyer, mother, academic http://skepticlawyer.com.au/
  31. @LegalEthicsAust: Michael Brogan. Professional legal ethics, with legal education, criminal law & restorative justice thrown in.
  32. @lawteachstuff: Alex Steel  Associate Dean (Education) UNSW Law School. This account covers my interests in legal education and things not related to crimlaw (covered in @crimlawnsw). UNSW Law School · http://www.law.unsw.edu.au/profile/alex-steel
  33. @litigatorlegg: Michael Legg. Associate Professor, UNSW Law, specializing in civil procedure, corporate law, regulatory litigation and class actions. Graduate of UNSW Law and Berkeley Law. Sydney, Australia ·http://www.law.unsw.edu.au/profile/michael-legg
  34. @mabel_XYX: Current affairs observer, public health and pharmaceutical law researcher. Tweets are mine, retweets are not endorsements, just interesting.
  35. @Martinemarich: Melbourne criminal lawyer and Monash Uni Law lecturer harvesting preparing and serving up all local and national criminal law news for dinner table consumption http://martinemarich.com.au
  36. @MattZagor: Matthew Zagor  Academic at Australian National University – refugee, human rights and constitutional law. Australia / Europe · http://law.anu.edu.au/scripts/staffdetails.asp?StaffID=251
  37. @MelbConstructLaw: Matthew Bell  Senior Lecturer and Co-Director of Studies for Construction Law, Melbourne Law School. Here, you’ll find a construction law smorgasbord: bon appetite! · http://www.law.unimelb.edu.au/constructionlaw
  38. @MichaelLavarch: Commissioner Aust Skills Quality Authority and former AG.
  39. @MsCastan: (Yours Truly) Melissa Castan – Law Lecturer, Castan Centre, Monash Uni. On law. human rights. politics. education. media. impact. punctuation. Was @Melistomato. Often tweeting for @altlj & @amicae1 
  40. @MsJoKy: Joanna Kyriakakis law lecturer and twitter novice
  41. @nicsozur: Postdoc researcher in IP, tech, and virtual communities. Lecturer at QUT School of Law. http://nic.suzor.net/
  42. @NigelStobbs: Senior lecturer in criminal law and sentencing at QUT. All views are strictly my own.
  43. @PeterJBlack: Law lecturer, blogger, geek and political wonk, interested in the intersection between law, government and new media. http://www.freedomtodiffer.typepad.com/
  44. @pleagletrainer: Lawyer, lecturer in practical legal training, and PhD candidate in education. My tweets reflect my personal views; retweets are not necessarily endorsements. http://www.thekglawyerblog.com/ptblog
  45. @ProfGWilliams: George Williams is the Anthony Mason Professor of law at the Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales.
  46. @profsarahj: Sarah Joseph: Human Rights, law, politics, sport, pop culture, stuff – views are my own. RT not necessarily endorsement.
  47. @RachelField68: Legal academic, feminist, advocate 4 mental health in legal education and the legal profession.
  48. @Robrien222: Rebecca O’Brien. lawyer. lecturer. aspiring mediator. nfp board member. Views expressed here are my own. Perth
  49. @rgibli: Rebecca Giblin: Code Wars: 10 years of P2P software litigation’ now out from Edward Elgar. http://www.law.monash.edu.au/staff/rgiblin.html  http://works.bepress.com/giblin/
  50. @SimplyJAR: Jetsetting Transmigrant, Legal Academic, Discourse Analyst, and avid flyer! British but Oz based. Starbucks and Samsonite fan! Melbourne, Australia / UK · http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/schools/gippsland/staff/roffee.html
  51. StephenTang:  Psychologist & empirical legal researcher. Exploring indecision for my PhD (Clin Psych) @ ANU. Consultant on global mental health law/policy. Technology nerd. Canberra
  52. @TrentonSchreurs:  Lawyer, social media addict, academic and compulsive tweeter. · http://www.trentonschreurs.com

Other Academics (often tweeting legal issues)

  1. @IRanalalyst: Dr Scott Burchill is Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University http://scottburchill.net
  2. @julieposetti: Journalist and J-academic interested in people, politics and the future. Researching social media; public broadcasting; reporting race & culture; talk radio etc http://www.j-scribe.com
  3. @journlaw: Prof Mark Pearson, I am a media law and ethics researcher and teacher, journalist and author. Australian correspondent for Reporters Sans Frontières. Blog from http://www.journlaw.com. http://epublications.bond.edu.au/mark_pearson/

Lawish with blogs (Update, also see Australian Law Bloggers list):

  1. @A_Health_A: Peter Noble, Coordinator of the Bendigo based Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre, researching alliances between Advocacy and Health Services in the USA. Australia and USA · http://advocacyhealth.net.au
  2. @andrewpdownie: Victorian barrister (commercial law). Melbourne Chambers. Cyclist (road and mtb). http://www.the-civil-lawyer.net/
  3. @BGosford: some of this and some of that…and a tendency to sloth…particularly in the build up… http://blogs.crikey.com.au/northern/
  4. @bowlerbarrister: My practice covers Criminal Law, Family Law and Litigation. The law poses problems. I help resolve them. The answer starts with the asking. http://www.bbal.com.au and http://marshallchambers.weebly.com
  5. @czaxx: Ben: Politics, Linux, Law, Food and Philosophy http://czaxxover140.blogspot.com/
  6. @DaleReardon: blind PhD student in discrimination law and equality law at UTAS and budding food critic Hobart Tasmania Australia  http://www.dalereardon.com.au
  7. @DarrenFerrari: Commercial barrister, History PhD Student, Occasional holder of opinions http://hydeparkheckler.wordpress.com/
  8. @gabfran: Shoe Obsessed Scottish Yoga/Pilates Teacher & Ex-Lawyer Person  http://lawandshoes.wordpress.com
  9. @hugh_mcdermott: Hugh is a Barrister, Academic and Progressive Political Commentator. http://www.lawcrimepolitics.com/
  10. @justiniannews: Richard Ackland publishes http://justinian.com.au and http://glj.com.au and is a columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald. http://justinian.com.au
  11. @kyleemcd: Criminal lawyer: barrister at the Victorian Bar; tweeter; blogger; tech-head. Interested in technology in the law and crime. http://www.summarycrime.com
  12. @LawyerCas: Litigation & Health Lawyer @TressCox (opinions are mine). Love sports, the ocean & God. I run Sunny Coast Girls Boardriders with @tarakelly. #lifeofalawyer Brisbane, Queensland · http://www.sunsurflaw.tumblr.com
  13. @LIVPresident: Pres. of Law Institute of Vic. Director of Mildura-based Holcroft Avery Lawyers. Golfer, Aviator, North Melb. FC member & cricket tragic.http://www.liv.asn.au/livpresblog
  14. @LLawnet: A Network for Little Lawyers in Australia. (Profile operated by @BennettGreen). http://www.littlelaw.net
  15. @LuiggiBerrospi: Law Student & Political Science Political blogger, Human Rights Activist. And leader to be. On my Blog I write mostly about politics and social justice http://lawonlineau.wordpress.com/
  16. @MediaMozza: Media / Entertainment lawyer (music, film, TV, transmedia & animation projects) @ the intersection of intellectual property / competition law Sydney, Australia http://mediadownunder.blogspot.com/
  17. @mrtiedt: Politics, sport and law. All these tweets are belong to me. Oh, and I blog. http://mrtiedt.blogspot.com
  18. @paperlesschmbrs: Daniel Robinson A barrister’s fight to save Ferngully.
  19. @PCutler: Barrister and Migration Agent. Apart from busy professional practice I enjoy tennis, swimming and playing the violin (badly). Sydney · http://www.cutler.com.au Blog http://paulcutler.wordpress.com/
  20. Priv8LawTutor:  Private Law Tutor. Australian Law Tutoring company providing advice and guidance to#lawstudents in all fields of law Melbourne, Victoria, Australia · http://www.privatelawtutor.com.au
  21. @noricd: IT & IP lawyer, commercialisation consultant, for 28+ years http://www.dilanchian.com.au
  22. @reasgrounds: Reasonable Grounds is a blog that compiles news and opinion in criminal justice, politics and human rights http://www.reasonablegrounds.blogspot.com
  23. @sociallylegal: use social media? prefer to stay on the right side of the law? then listen up, from Sydney, Australia (n.b. not legal advice, but general legal commentary) http://www.socially-legal.com/
  24. @soshoemi: A lawyer with a thing for shoes…soshoemi! http://soshoemi.blogspot.com
  25. @stephenwarne: Barrister with a commercial civil practice interested in professional discipline, ethics and negligence. http://www.lawyerslawyer.net
  26. @TheBlackLetter: Join a law student’s fight to turn apathy into empathy by staying up to date with The Black Letter social justice blog. http://www.theblackletter.com.au
  27. @under_exposed: A food-obsessed lawyer with 2 boys who are very fussy eaters http://lawgeekdownunder.blogspot.com
  28. @wrothnie: Mainly IP lawyer http://ipwars.com

Legally minded with lots to say:

  1. @ACTfamilylawyer: Claire Naidu. Lawyer and lover of sports and animals. Canberra
  2. @ad_fletch: Human rights lawyer, geek and now Melburnian.
  3. @AequoetBono: Lawyer, funk enthusiast, drinker of tea and single malts (not always in that order). Not the opinions of my employer, which are, ‘You there, do some work.’
  4. @agargett: Liverpool Football Club, human rights, law, politics and sport. The General. Views are personal. RTs not necessarily endorsements.
  5. @Ainsley_Brett: Lawyer in Broome town, working on sorting out the law and a burgeoning addiction to mangos. On a frolic of his own.
  6. @almileke: Michael Waterhouse.  education lawyer, father/spouse, skeptic, philosophile, woken by kookaburras. RTs not concurrence; views my own, not employer’s; no legal advice given. Sydney, Australia
  7. @alexandraphelan: BBiomedSc/LLB(Hons), lawyer. Interested in law, health & women’s human rights, politics, advocacy, cultures & languages. All opinions expressed are my own.
  8. @alexpagliaro: Refugee Campaign Coordinator for Amnesty International Australia but my tweets are my own, and don’t necessarily reflect the views of my employer. http://rethinkrefugees.com.au
  9. @Allocatur: Liz Harris:lawyer, consultant to law departments and law firms on legal cost management, legal project management, law department value, client relationships, Australia · http://www.allocatur.com.au
  10. @almileke: education lawyer, father/spouse, skeptic, cyclist, philosophile, woken by kookaburras. Retweets don’t mean concurrence;any views my own, not my employer’s.
  11. @AndrePeach: Editor-in-Chief of Right Now, a human rights media organisation. http://www.rightnow.org.au
  12. AndrewLBell: Data Warehouse Architect Eligible to be admitted as a solicitor in QLD Trying to find a way to smoothly transition from IT to Law Loves to talk RT= info only. Brisbane
  13. @andrewperry: Director – Community Builders Australia & legal.consult; President NSW Society for Computers & the Law http://www.andrewperry.id.au
  14. @AnneWardell:  Deputy EIC, Law and Business CCH Australia Limited. Background pic: First sitting of High Court of Australia at Vic Supreme Court. Nat Archives of Aust. Sydney, Australia · http://www.cch.com.au
  15. @Arlmacbarrister: Barrister at the Independent Bar doing tax and trusts work, Chairman of SA Branch of STEP, FTIA (Life). Loves travel to London, Rome and New York.Adelaide South Australia
  16. @Belahina: Husband,father of two beautiful daughters,Collingwood legends member.White Ribbon Day Ambassador, animal lover, anti-capital punishment advocate, friend of Timor. Melbourne
  17. @BenePlacito1: Self confessed information junkie, lawyer, husband, father, mentor. My opinions may change but not the fact that I am right. I only follow interesting tweeps.
  18. @BenHLRC: Director of International Human Rights Advocacy at the Human Rights Law Centre (@rightsagenda). Works on issues such as UN engagement and Indigenous Rights.
  19. @bennettgreen: The views expressed on this website are my own and are not associated with my employer. Purple monkey dishwasher. http://bennettgreen.com
  20. @billdoogue: Loves being a criminal lawyer. Our firm defends clients charged with terrorism and murder down to drink driving. http://www.criminal-lawyers.com.au
  21. @billmadden: Medical law and related issues
  22. @bill_oshea: Celebrity lawyer to the masses – pearls before swine……
  23. @bluesman5555: I’m short,fat,balding & mad.I tweet about law,mental health,social justice,politics,sport,coffee & the Blues.If I defame you don’t sue me, I’m judgment proof. Brisbane
  24. @bowlerbarrister: My practice covers Criminal Law, Family Law and Litigation. The law poses problems. I help resolve them. The answer starts with the asking. http://www.bbal.com.au
  25. @BrendanSydes: Lawyer/CEO, Environment Defenders Office.· http://www.edovic.org.au
  26. @BrynnOBrien: lawyer, traveler, stirrer, human rights hassler & doctoral student at large. tweets on justice, global & local. work-research tweets from@globalworkblog Munich · http://globalworkblog.org
  27. @calvinjtay: randomly. very randomly. http://calvinjtay.tumblr.com
  28. @cameronburge: Dad, Lawyer, Cricketer (a poor one).
  29. @catscram: Marianna Papadakis reporter, librarian, law student, lover of the arts
  30. @chaoticjupiter: Criminologist, music lover, reader, beader, craft nerd and future crazy cat lady. http://chaoticjupiter.blogspot.com/
  31. @chrismurphys: ‘An advocate knows..save that client by all means & expedients & at all hazards & costs to other persons and amongst them to himself is his first and only duty’ http://www.murphyslawyers.com/christopher-murphy
  32. @ccwaterstreet: He speaks with the slightest speech impediment – a barely perceptible Elmer Fudd – Jack Marx, The Monthly, November 2010 http://www.facebook.com/charles.waterstreet
  33. @claireh427: Law student; legal assistant at a community legal centre; currently researching ‘conflict minerals’, supply chains and eastern Congo.
  34. Comeagutser: BusterComeagutser. Lawyer, economist, statistics & horse racing fanatic, lover of all things French. Melbourne.
  35. @crackers_76: Most views here are my own. Guessing which ones aren’t makes a fun drinking game. http://legalknievel.wordpress.com/
  36. @craigdorozario: I’m a litigation lawyer working on the gold coast. I have a wonderful wife and a big fluffy dog and a small fluffy cat
  37. Crash_Craddock: Simon Craddock. law-talking guy, chocoholic, fitness fanatic, rugby tragic. Sydney
  38. @crimjurist: a jurist interested in domestic and international criminal law.
  39. @crimlawqld: Qld criminal lawyer who loves appearing in court and defending everday Qld’s http://crimdefence.wordpress.com
  40. @damien_carrick: Presenter of The Law Report, ABC Radio National http://abc.net.au/rn/lawreport
  41. @Dpn78: Dan N Working on access to justice and realization of human rights in Australia. Interested in SE Asia. Views are my own. Melbourne, Australia
  42. @david_manne: Human Rights lawyer/advocate, Executive Director, Refugee & Immigration Legal Centre, Australia http://www.rilc.org.au
  43. @davidrkerr: Thinker, humanitarian & truth seeker. Passionate about human rights and caring for the environment.
  44. @davidyarrow: Avid reader, Victorian Barrister and master of ephemera. http://www.vicbar.com.au/Profile?4176
  45. @DiannaBneBar: Dianna is a barrister practising in Brisbane. Areas of expertise: corporations, insolvency, property, contract, insurance and equity.
  46. @dockscum:  the views expressed are mine and mine alone. They do not reflect the views of my employer, past employer, future employer, or anyone else.
  47. @dreamwriter31: Writer….Lawyer…..former Intensive Care Paramedic & wannabe Coroner….Musician….NCIS fan….techno geek….world traveller & Mum
  48. @david_ritter: Campaigner and commentator. Tweeting in a personal capacity. https://sites.google.com/site/davidlrittersite/
  49. @DToakley: Co-Director of @LBLAus at @OaktreeFndation | 3rd year Arts/Law Student at @MonashUni | Social Change | Human Rights
  50. @ElliotG78:Lawyer, political junkie, writer for inthemix; Hawks fan & lover of good food, great coffee & amazing friends 😉 tweets are my own, not those of my employer
  51. @enjelphoon: Lawyer. Technology junkie. Excited about entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. Obsessed with finding the perfect takeaway coffee. http://www.marquelawyers.com.au/
  52. @esseeeayeenn: Drama. Film. Law. Politics. Wine. More drama. This isn’t scripted. There is no back story. Of course retweets are endorsements, what else would they be? Perth
  53. @erinvk: Frustrated singer/songwriter, practicing lawyer/part-time student, interested in saving the world and discovering the perfect avocado and cream cheese bagel. http://randomette.blogspot.com
  54. @externallylaws: Politics, law, social justice. Writer, seer and wielder of the log splitter. http://nowordsbiggerthanwheelbarrow.blogspot.com
  55. @farahWB: I work here http://on.fb.me/mIZ5Ga, & find it teaches me more about law than my overpriced law degree (sorry Monash) http://www.facebook.com/farah.banihali
  56. @fuzzie_74: Drew. Idealistic do-gooder/Law student/Croissant Muncher/Bacon lover
  57. @HarcourtLaw: Victor Harcourt Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Senior Principal, Russell Kennedy; Leader – Public Law, Litigation & Aged Care team. Areas – Health & Aged Care Law; Govt Law; Litigation; Coronial Inquests http://www.rk.com.au
  58. @HelgaSvendsen: CEO of Hotham Mission Asylum Seeker Project, Vice Pres of YWCA Vic, lawyer. Formerly in Vic trade union movement & sustainability. Views here are my own.
  59. @helime: legal aid lawyer / bike rider / meat avoider / backyard veggie gardener / kitten convert / bookworm / all views most definitely my own http://helime.tumblr.com/
  60. @hickey_mt: Barrister at Law – Level 27 Chambers https://plus.google.com/115309590594553082857/about
  61. @HughdeKretser:  Executive Officer of the Victorian Federation of Community Legal Centres · http://www.communitylaw.org.au
  62. @hughstephens: Social media and technology consultant, @HKL11 confererence convener, #mccsm board member, #hcsmanz chatter. Big youth mental health advocate. http://www.hughstephens.com
  63. @idealaw: IT Lawyer. Doing law in a way that doesn’t make me want to jump off a bridge (unless it involves a bungee rope). http://idealaw.com.au
  64. @ilVeleno: Kathleen Cantarella. Law student and playwright. What you see is what you get. Retweets are not necessarily endorsements.
  65. @isobelleclare:  Melbourne IP lawyer. Interested in books, media, technology, law, politics and just about everything else. Views are my own not those of my employer (Telstra) Melbourne, Australia · http://www.brouhahababy.blogspot.com
  66. @JaneNeedhamSC: Senior counsel, JVP NSW Bar Association. Law, technology, bleeding-heart stuff. Tweets aren’t legal advice but you knew that, anyway. Sydney, NSW · http://www.janeedham.com.au
  67. @jillhill99: curious enthusiast, barrister, long distance walker, fruit lover, wife, mother, adoring gran http://www.jillhill.com.au
  68. @JStaffor: John Stafford  Editorial Director at CCH Australia and New Zealand, Sydney, Australia · http://www.cch.com.au
  69. @jurisprude1: I am interested in connecting with others, Learning more about life and overall enjoy the ride. Law, linguistics and roses are my passions. : )
  70. @Joan_iecb: baby lawyer, open-minded, interested in making positive change, tea enthusiast etc
  71. @jono_miller: Criminal defence lawyer, cyclist, glutton, and pottymouth nerd. Personal tweets.
  72. @jotofsense: A geek who became a lawyer in a field that thankfully requires geekiness. Likes hats.
  73. @JulesMoxon: economics/law graduate. LLM Student. Loves mooting, politics and qanda
  74. @julianburnside: Barrister, human rights activist, and supporter of the arts http://www.julianburnside.com.au
  75. @jy_lee: Media/comms/tech/IP lawyer with Baker & McKenzie (my views not theirs!), geek who likes to climb, eat generally, eat icecream & has a love/hate rship w Twitter.
  76. @KathleenBaxter:  Criminology obsessed. Focused on penology, specifically prisoner rights, prison photography and penal history. Melbourne, Australia
  77. @kcarruthers: sometimes I feel like being a revolutionary cat (all opinions expressed here are my own & not representative of any 3rd parties) http://katecarruthers.com/blog/about/
  78. @KateVromans1: Mother, law student, frustrated artist, recovered bi-polar girl, avid reader, curtain twitcher, mouthy hussy…Brisbane.
  79. @katmillist: A young barrister with mild addictions to tea, shoes and shopping!
  80. @KayT1721: Law Library manager at Monash Uni. legal research. legal education. law libraries. australian law. cool websites Melbourne, Australia · http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/law 
  81. @KisforKathryn: Lawyer, Business Owner, Wife, Mother of 4, Passionate about families, Special Agent for the future of law, On the path to collaboration. Views are my own. Sunshine Coast
  82. @KOASVIC: Work with lawyers. 3 big kids. Love latest news and ocean swims. All strong opinions my own.
  83. @kon_k: CEO & Founder of @ASRC1, Human Rights Lawyer, Social Worker, Masseur, Stand Up Comedian, Radio Announcer, Amateur Chef, Lover of figs & the Cookie Monster. http://www.asrc.org.au
  84. @KtOBryan: Native title lawyer, PhD student, literary junkie and self-confessed foodie.
  85. @kymtje: Lefty political beastie with a big appetite. I like puns, pinot noir & panthers. Views are my own, sometimes not even that. http://laglaneuse.tumblr.com/
  86. L_Sylvester: Lisa Sylvester. Currently working in Compliance & Governance in legal profession in Australia. Worked in various roles in knowledge management, legal, training and IT.
  87. @LaLegale: Legal practitioner in Australia.
  88. @lexawkward: 21. law student. dork. recovering-rubiks-cube-addict http://blog.lexawkward.com
  89. @libertysanger: Principal and Director of Maurice Blackburn lawyers. Pro Union, Pro Labor, Pro Collingwood. Spins, swims and skis. Life is good!
  90. @LittleMsFfyFfy: policy paralegal and lawyer in training with a background in criminal law. Sometimes legal, sometimes political, usually useless. (views are mine, all mine)
  91. @lizzie_OShea: lawyer to the people all views my own.
  92. @lizziepops: One day I WILL play the cello, cricket and cross-examine better than I do now! OK and yes I’m a barrister…
  93. @LukeStanistreet: Barrister at the Victorian Bar practising in commercial and common law litigation, road cyclist, Essendon supporter & former schoolboy rowing coach Melbourne, Australia · http://www.vicbar.com.au/Profile?4503
  94. @LuckyZola: Suzie Miller  playwright; visual artist; human rights lawyer. sydney london
  95. @missnellebelle: Im 24, single, im short,+size, opinionated, Amnesty Supporter. I have a bachelor of arts degree from La Trobe Uni, currently studying law degree at LTU also.
  96. @missredshoes: criminologist | law student | endometriosis & infertility warrior | beach lover | blogger | environment & human rights | Shakespeare & Austen fan | http://thatgirlwithendo.blogspot.com/
  97. @mariussmith: Manager of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law. Interested in human rights and development, especially in Africa. Also one of the @CastanCentre tweeters. http://www.law.monash.edu.au/castancentre
  98. @MartinGHodgson: Martin Hodgson. Human rights advocate, FPSS Senior advocate, international prisons, kidnapping & Anti Death Penalty Coordinator http://www.foreignprisoners.com Australia · http://1DEADLYNation.com
  99. @matt_phipps: Geek; Gamer; IT lawyer @IdeaLaw; Christian; Future dad; and fan of alternative music.
  100. MayaChant: MayaMia Lil’ bit Geeky. Writer & Independent Journalist. Media & Comms. Law, IT, Law, IT. http://www.scoop.it/t/human-rights-issues
  101. @MichaelByrnes: Poet, Fool or Bum. Co-presenter, Sonic Stir-Fry, 2GLF 89.3FM Liverpool, NSW. Personal Account. Sydney, Australia.
  102. @MichaelTiyce:  Lawyer, rationalist, East Sydney Liberals Branch President,dog lover, r6 riderSydney Australia · http://www.tiyce.com
  103. @MichaelBrull:  Angry white boy. Studier of law, sayer and writer of things. Andrew Bolt, CIS, Keith Windschuttle and AIJAC don’t like me. Australia
  104. @MikeDJeremy:  Registered Migration Agent in Australia (MARN 0208955) & law student at UNE. Also a trainer & speaker. Interests incl. Regional Aus, Africa, Swimming, Music. Sydney, Australia · http://www.westvisa.com.au
  105. @67MSmith:  Michael Smith NGO manager, cd practitioner, human rights educator, partnership builder, Eastern CLC, NACLC Chair, dad, bombersfan.. not in that order Eastern Melbourne · http://www.eclc.org.au
  106. @Mgatenby: Criminal Law Partner at McLaughlins Lawyers. Appear regularly in QLD Courts. All crime, police charges & traffic matters – Phone (07)5591 5099 or 0457 999 022. http://www.mclaughlins.com.au
  107. @Mouthforhire: Barrister practising in industrial law, occupational health and safety, coronial law and criminal law, and tweeting about anything. Melbourne · http://www.vicbar.com.au/c.1.3.aspx?RollNumber=4007
  108. @mrlicharo: Blogs about international and Australian politics Law student, Religion graduate Fan of Tintin, Japan, China, politics, unions, gaming, 80s music, old books
  109. @MsInglis: Fallible human being, legal Beagle. Melbourne, Australia ·
  110. @MsLods: Big sister, lawyer, researcher, volunteer, traveller. Co-organiser #melblawdrinks http://about.me/lods
  111. @Ms_Nyx: A lawyer passionate about law, politics, policy, refugee & human rights law & animal welfare. Future old cat lady http://msnyx.tumblr.com/ also @Nyx2701
  112. @MuzatLaw: Canberra public servant – lawyer, could’ve been a psychologist, sports mad and political cynic….
  113. @nathanmattock: It’s true, if I had to be a Spice Girl I’d be the fun but annoying one – the serious part is the IT and telco legal mumbojumbo that goes with it
  114. @neil_watt: Lawyer, ethicist, consultant, trainer & noble subversive who lives in Sydney Australia & loves fitness, art, old fedoras, wine, coffee & life.
  115. @nicholas_patrick: DLA Piper Pro Bono Partner. Human rights lawyer. CSR professional. NGO Director. Fundamentalist atheist / Buddhist wannabe. Oprah-phile. Food (system) critic.
  116. @nickramage: Adelaide legal geek and Communications Officer for Legal Services Commission of South Australia. Social justice and legal tweets are personal. http://au.linkedin.com/in/nickramage
  117. @Nicola_Moritzio:  Aspiring animal welfare lawyer, lover of coffee and servant of cat. All tweets mine, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of my cat. Melbourne, Australia
  118. @NLilley: Sound Designer for theatre dabbling in the Law, Science, Politics and many, many other things.
  119. @notguilty1: criminal defence lawyer based in Sydney. Some work, some life, some serious, some not. Huge Swans fan. http://www.notguilty.com.au
  120. @nswlawstudent: Law student & reformed software engineer. Into all things tech.
  121. @nomesmessenger: Soul sold to rock n roll at about 15. Not much has changed except hairstyle & bra size.
  122. @oanh_1:  I blog. I write. I read. I do law stuff. Now, I Twitter. Brevity will be a challenge.
  123. @pat_gardner: I like music, books, travel and all things geek. Disaffected psychology graduate, present law student. Sometimes I make websites. http://patgardner.net
  124. @paulhoworth: watching the powerful because the powerful need watching: law/politics/economy/human rights/minorities/indigenous people/ … and some plain old punking around
  125. @Peter_Dickerson: Tennant Creek
  126. @PhilALynch: Executive Director of the Human Rights Law Centre (@rightsagenda). Join us at facebook.com/humanrightslawresourcecentre too. Australia · http://www.hrlc.org.au
  127. @PPSASpecialist: A Banking & Insolvency Lawyer specialising in the Personal Property Securities Act and secured recoveries. My aim is to ensure everyone is ready for the PPSA. Brisbane, Australia · http://www.thymac.com.au
  128. @Prima_Facie_: Mature age LLB candidate, law clerk & freelance writer in a previous life, lover of books, mum of one teen daughter, unhealthy fixation for coffee & chocolate. http://www.facebook.com/msjmaree
  129. @Princessnowhere: Pro-pie. Anti-monogamy. Writer. Law student. Secretary. Obsessed with good spelling, shoes and sex. Lacks filter and willpower. Sets fire to stupid. Sydney · http://postmodern-vagabond.blogspot.com/
  130. @PTNoo: IP, Technology, Entertainment lawyer, professional musician, husband, father, Essendon Bombers fan.
  131. @Qyntara:  Anne Powles. A retired lawyer, teacher, psychologist with lots of opinions (unfortunately for those around me) about life, love and that vast forever. Bateau Bay NSW Australia · http://naltte.com
  132. @RachNev01:  Rachael Nevill  Graduate Lawyer working in Med Neg. Ex-Emergency Nurse. Traveller. Idealist. Melbourne.
  133. @richsuthers: Law Graduate working in Banking and Finance.
  134. @RN_Barrister: Barrister specialising in health law, LLB, Registered Nurse. RN, B.H.Sci. P.Grad Dip (Mental Health Nursing), M.A(Psychoanalytic Studies)
  135. @rphillipps: Strata lawyer; dog lover; grey haired meat eater
  136. @SandrineAHughes: Sydney Barrister. Background: French & International, Family Law & Children’s Rights. Keen on Human Rights, Admin & Commercial stuff.Tweets aren’t legal advice!
  137. MsSamMcHugh: 20% marketing/advertising/law geek, 20% foodie, 20% social butterfly, 20% shopaholic, 20% travel nut, 20% hopeless at maths.
  138. @scas_69: Steven Castan: Barrister-At-Law; Music Junkie; Raconteur; Carlton Blues Obsessed.
  139. @SeanacMulcahy: Law/Drama Student, @monashuni :: Volunteer Paralegal, @fitzroylegal :: Interested in law, politics, arts, sport, gender and queer issues, and trash tv. Melbourne · http://the-kennel.tumblr.com/
  140. @senthorun: President, Amnesty International NSW (@AmnestyNSW) and Churchill Fellow. Passionate about pop culture, law, politics and justice. Tweets are just my musings. Sydney · http://usyd.academia.edu/SenthorunRaj Editor @mfeminism http://www.menandfeminism.com
  141. @Shiraz_Please:  just a girl with a glass of wine in her hand, dancing in the wind. sid-o-nee
  142. @SimeonBeckett:  Barrister, Human Rights Lawyer, Reader, Father, Interested. Sydney
  143. @Simon_Kenny: Barrister, bike rider, drinker of cups of coffee.
  144. @ssanderlegal: My Legal Twitter: Political refugee from (then communist) Hungary, turned corporate lawyer & knowledge management professional … see also @ssandersocmed http://www.stephensander.com
  145. @Sunili: My paywall is better than News Ltd’s because it’s free but you have to be awesome to get a subscription. Perth, Australia · http://sunili.tumblr.com  http://blog.sunili.net
  146. @suigenerisjen:  Director of Legal Advocacy, Bertha Philanthropies Media and Human Rights Lawyer Tweets in English and Bahasa London · http://www.berthafoundation.org/
  147. @tanjakovac: Writer, poet, lawyer, NGO manager, lobbyist, feminist, human rights educator, campaign nut, chef, big red taxi driver, domestic slave, ace wife. Mum.
  148. http://www.deepblueseafilm.wordpress.com
  149. @taylor_jessie: barrister, refugee advocate, human rights enthusiast & foster mum. Co-creator of ‘Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea’. http://www.deepblueseafilm.com
  150. @TerriJanke:  IP Lawyer, business owner, author and public speaker. Sydney · http://www.terrijanke.com.au
  151. @TonyMcCaughey: Criminal lawyer. Writer.Albury-Wodonga
  152. @ToriEdwards: Compulsively tidy- tea drinking- human rights enthusiast – native title lawyer – lover of world travel, amateur running & all things French. All views my own
  153. @toplitigator: Mark J Cohen
  154. @urbanlawyer: Lawyer practising in Sydney CBD fringe suburb. Diarist of the sometimes incredible and tragicomic events in a lawyer’s life. lawyerranting.blogspot.com
  155. @VincoFive: Law student, leftist, aspiring comedian and bio-more-impressive-maker.
  156. @warbz: Law student, Apparatchik, Pragmatist, Synergist, Views are my own, not my employer’s. http://www.facebook.com/tim.warbz.miller
  157. @wenhwu: IP lawyer @corrslawyers (tweets are my own). IP LLM candidate @unimelb. lives & breathes #iplaw. geek. runner. keeper of dusty law books.
  158. @whereisT: Human rights, enviro, law, politics & random interesting things. Juris Doctor- International Law. NFP worker, middle child, capricorn, vegetarian, hazel eyes
  159. @whitey488: Law/Business Student.
  160. @youngladylawyer: Freshly-minted Melbourne lawyer. Gets a sick, un-PC thrill from chivalrous gentlemen at the morning elevator.
  161. @4Q2x: I don’t suffer from insanity I quite enjoy it. At least a Stalker is always there for you. Mater Memento Mori Cerkez for Life.
  162. @4TAASQ: Peter See. Founding member of the Tenants Union who fears the return of a volunteer phone advice service – not seen since 1988
  163. @1800Crimlaw: Nick Boyden, Leading criminal lawyer based in Sydney with a long history of vigourously protecting clients’ rights and reputations. Sydney http://www.austcrimlaw.com.au/

Update: I moved the ‘Aus Legal info’ list to the next blog post here. A big list of  ’80 Twitter feeds for law students’ (US based) is collated here.  Some top UK legal tweeters (and a debate about who is/not included) are found on The Time Blawg’s post here.

[Omissions/Disclaimer: I have looked for people actively tweeting on law so I have left off the much followed @HonMichaelKirby, because he never tweets! I have not included law firms but they can easily be found by searching, or at this list here. I also omitted members of parliaments, who may be a special category of law types (check here for federal members) . And there is a whole other list of community and academic law centres on the legal info list above]

Who have I forgotten? Would you like to add anyone? I would love your comments below.

Melissa Castan teaches law; you can find her at @MsCastan on twitter or www.law.monash.edu.au/staff/mcastan.html at work.

  1. @SACvic : The Council’s mission is to bridge the gap between the community, the courts and government by informing, educating and advising on sentencing issues.http://www.sentencingcouncil.vic.gov.au/

  2. I’m also a law student on twitter

  3. anything on mental health legislation, or any lawyers with a human rights bent who are interested in mental health laws (laws which essentrially remove vpeoples human rights when they are ill!!)

    are of interest to me


  4. Great Job Mel, I congratulate you and everybody else involved in @amcae1 (sorry I didn’t know their names individually.

    To @SACvic, I also appreciate the work you guys do, I just have a dream (unlike Martin Luther Jr mine is more realistic) considering the case of GEORGE PETER OSTROWSKI AND JEFFREY RYDER PALMER [2004] HCA 30 16 June 2004 P35/2003 whereby “Igornance of the Law” is no defence highlighted yet again.

    The various Govt’s throughout Australia should make all the laws easily accessible to all parties, i.e. Individuals, as well as Court Forms and simple guides online. I realise Austlii does a FANTASTIC job and there are other Govt web sites which reproduce the law, as well as some Court Sites having some forms available.

    I believe this is an area where ALL JURISDICTIONS could well improve on greatly. It is difficult for the ordinary punter who wants to run their own matter (usually small matters) to find the law and the appropriate forms.

    Court Staff although over worked and do a great job sometimes can not offer the proper procedural advice required to run a small matter. I would hope Govt could look at and implement the necessary Wed Site / s to accommodate this request, ONE DAY.

    Certainly a lot easier ask then having my children “……. live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

    Just to end with a quote 🙂

    • thanks, updated!

    • Access to the law (and to the transparent working of other branches of government too) is a particular interest of mine as well. Austlii have a lot to be proud of in this respect, for what they set in motion not just in Australia but also in other parts of the world. There are still countries where you have to pay to access the law (statutes, court decisions, or both).

      In respect of court staff, it is kind of you to appreciate that they do what they can. Their role is very limited by its nature – it is simply not appropriate for them to give legal advice to a party (and what to an outsider might seem a matter of simple ‘procedural advice’ can easily cross over into ‘advice about procedural law’). There is a gap between what help court staff are appropriately able to offer and what people need, and that gap is the space for public interest lawyering.

      Melissa – I am only just getting started, but you might like to add me as well. I am a bar reader intending to share ideas on the efficient use of technology in legal practice, especially where it also happens to save the small forest felled for every legal proceeding issued. @PaperlessChmbrs and paperlesschambers.com

      • Thanks Daniel. I wish Auslii would start tweeting again, and i do like their new App!

  5. Thanks for the listing for @journlaw and congrats on an excellent compilation!

  6. […] Blog- Christian Music- read more: 64 (or more) Australian legal tweeters « Amicae Curiae The Lamp- Movie Trailer- Destiny Image Films Destiny Image Films endeavors to tell inspirational […]

  7. […] 64 or more Australian Legal Tweeters  GA_googleAddAttr("AdOpt", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Origin", "other"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_bg", "ffffff"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_text", "333333"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_link", "265e15"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_border", "ededed"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_url", "996633"); GA_googleAddAttr("LangId", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Autotag", "technology"); GA_googleAddAttr("Autotag", "music"); GA_googleAddAttr("Autotag", "entertainment"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "everything-else"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "law-stuff"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "64-or-more-australian-legal-tweeters"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "amici-curiae"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "australian-legal-tweeters-of-note"); GA_googleFillSlot("wpcom_below_post"); Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]

    • I’m not sure what this means, but I’m sure I agree with @gabfran on most things.

  8. Very useful list, thank you! Two to consider adding.

    Lawyers with blawgs:
    @noricd: IT & IP lawyer, commercialisation consultant, and business law. Lightbulb blog at http://www.dilanchian.com.au

    Legally minded with lots to say:
    @SinchLegal: Legal IT consultancy, seminars and systems and outsourcing service since 1985

    • Thanks! I updated, but not including commercial firms in this list, have to draw the line somewhere!

  9. I am another lawyer-blogger. My blogs focus on fashion, food and art and trying to balance all my interests with my career in law. My blog site is: http://designinglaw.blogspot.com

  10. @MediaMozza

    Sydney Media / Entertainment lawyer interested in the intersection of intellectual property and competition law http://mediadownunder.blogspot.com/

  11. Check us out at LexMedia Australia

    All things obvious and obscure in relation to Australian communications, media and technology law by lawyers for lawyers.

    twitter: lexmediaau
    website: http://www.lexmedia.com.au

  12. @HarcourtLaw I am a Principal at Russell Kennedy and share legal updates about health and aged care, public law, human rights, pro bono, litigation, professional conduct. Perhaps another to add to your excellent list of resources?

  13. […] 64 (and more) Australian legal tweeters […]

  14. Hi Mel. Great work on the Twitter list – a truly great resource! Would love you to add me (@LukeStanistreet). Cheers

  15. Interesting List you have compiled. I notice I am conspicuous by my absence.

    Apparently my Twitter presence did not catch your attention, even though you are on my “@BowlerBarrister/lawyers-not-so-local” List.
    Likewise my Google+ (https://plus.google.com/113243241840038733480/about) presence did not catch your attention and neither did my on-line newspaper Bowler Barrister: Criminal & Family (http://paper.li/BowlerBarrister/1318723823).

    Perhaps this information might help your List become more complete.

  16. […] is a list of the ones I found so far. It complements my list of Australian Legal tweeters found here. Read […]

  17. […] 64 (and more) Australian Legal Tweeters […]

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